
①トランプ大統領 国連総会演説


トランプ大統領 国連総会演説 9.19.2017 抜粋 再生時間4分16秒


The scourge of our planet today is a small group of rogue regimes that violate every principle on which the United Nations is based. They respect neither their own citizens nor the sovereign rights of their countries.
*scourge: 災いを引き起こすもの rogue: 集団(国連)の方針に従わない regime: 政権 violate: 違反する,破る sovereign right: 主権 

If the righteous many do not confront the wicked few, then evil will triumph. When decent people and nations become bystanders to history, the forces of destruction only gather power and strength.
*confront: face up to 対決する  

No one has shown more contempt for other nations and for the well-being of their own people than the depraved regime in North Korea. It is responsible for the starvation deaths of millions of North Koreans, and for the imprisonment, torture, killing, and oppression of countless more.
*depraved: wicked 邪悪な countless more (than milions of North Koreans) countless: too many to be counted

We were all witness to the regime's deadly abuse when an innocent American college student, Otto Warmbier, was returned to America only to die a few days later. We saw it in the assassination of the dictator's brother using banned nerve agents in an international airport. We know it kidnapped a sweet 13-year-old Japanese girl from a beach in her own country to enslave her as a language tutor for North Korea's spies.
*abuse: 虐待 ban: 禁止する nerve agent: 神経ガス ... only to die: ... but died: We saw it: it=the regime's deadly abuse it kidnapped: it=the regime

If this is not twisted enough, now North Korea's reckless pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles threatens the entire world with unthinkable loss of human life.
*twist: to force something out of its original shape vallistic missile: 弾道ミサイル

It is an outrage that some nations would not only trade with such a regime, but would arm, supply, and financially support a country that imperils the world with nuclear conflict. No nation on earth has an interest in seeing this band of criminals arm itself with nuclear weapons and missiles.
*outrage: 激怒,許せないこと arm: 武装させる,武装する imperil: endanger band: 一群,一味 

The United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea. Rocket Man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime. The United States is ready, willing and able, but hopefully this will not be necessary. That's what the United Nations is all about; that's what the United Nations is for. Let's see how they do.
*have no choice but V: -するほかはない suicide mission: 自殺行為 ready, willing and able (to totally destroy North Korea) hopefully: 願わくは,うまくいけば what ~ is all about: ~とはどういうものであるか how they do: they=the United Nations    

It is time for North Korea to realize that the denuclearization is its only acceptable future. The United Nations Security Council recently held two unanimous 15-0 votes adopting hard-hitting resolutions against North Korea, and I want to thank China and Russia for joining the vote to impose sanctions, along with all of the other members of the Security Council. Thank you to all involved.
*denuclearization: 非核化 unanimous: 全会一致の hard-hitting: 強力な,厳しい resolution: 決議 sanction: 制裁 all involved: 関係者全員

But we must do much more. It is time for all nations to work together to isolate the Kim regime until it ceases its hostile behavior.

We face this decision not only in North Korea. (444 words)

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