

(9.30.2012 更新)


 A man of sixty has spent about twenty years in bed. It seems a lot. It seems a great waste of time. A man of the same age has spent more than three years in eating. It seems a lot. It seems to be greed. But we need not be surprised at these figures. I doubt if they really indicate laziness or greed.
 ( 1 ) sleeping, if the man had not spent the time in bed he might have spent it on some activity far worse. It is true that there are idlers on earth, but they are not so numerous. (1)Except for them, people will take the amount of sleep they instinctively need if possible, which in fact is often impossible. I do not deny that large numbers of people could maintain health upon a smaller quantity of sleep. Some of the strivers manage to live on four hours' sleep in twenty four; ( 2 ), some of the strivers are terrific sleepers. ( 3 ), if a man strongly wishes to accomplish big things he will cut down his sleep.
 But the majority of us do not want to accomplish big things. We want an average quiet and secure life, and I do not see how we are to blame for not wanting more than this. If we were all strivers, the general pace of individual competition would merely be quickened, and mankind ( 4 ) would be in the same case as nations which persist in arming against one another.
 (2)What is the use of depriving oneself of agreeable and harmless rest if one has no strong desire to use the saved hours in a particular way? A man might get up early or stay up late, only to find that he does nothing but kill time. This often happens. It is better to sleep than to do evil.

1. 空所 (1)~(4) に入る最も適切な語句を与えられた語群の中から選びなさい。た だし同じ語句を2度用いてはいけない。また文頭に来るべき語も小文字になっている。

[as a rule / on the whole / as a whole /as for /as to / on the other hand]

2. 下線部 (1)と(2) を日本語に訳しなさい。

 眠ることに関しては,もしその人がそれだけの時間を寝て過ごさなかったとしたら,その時間を何かもっとずっと悪いこと [活動] に費やしたかもしれないのだ。なるほどこの世には怠け者がいるが,しかし彼らの数はそれほど多くはない。 (1)怠け者を別とすれば,人々は,もし(それが)可能であれば,自分が本能的に必要とする量の睡眠をとるだろう。しかし,実際にはそれは不可能な場合が多い。多くの人々は,睡眠の量[睡眠時間]を少なくしても健康を維持できるであろうことを,私は否定しない。努力家の中には1日24時間のうち4時間の睡眠でどうにか生きている人もいる。一方,努力家の中には恐ろしく良く眠る人もいる。概して,人は大きなことを成し遂げたいと強く望めば,睡眠時間を減らすだろう。
  (2)もし節約した時間を特別な方法で使いたいという強い願望がないならば,気持ちが良くて害のない休息 [睡眠] を自分自身から奪って何の役に立つのだろうか[奪うことの効用は何なのか] 。人は早起きや夜更かしをするが,しかし,時間つぶしばかりしていることになる[ことに気がつく] かもしれないのだ。こういうことはよく起こることである。悪事を働くよりは眠っているほうがましである。

【設問解答】1. (1)As for  (2)on the other hand  (3)As a rule  (4)as a whole

「速読英単語上級編」増訂第2版 47
 A man of sixty has spent about twenty years in bed. It seems a lot. It seems a great waste of time. A man of the same age has spent over three years in eating. It seems a lot. It seems like greediness. But we need not be alarmed at these figures. I doubt if they really indicate either laziness or greed.
 And as regards bed, the answer to all lamentations is that if the man had not spent the time in bed he would probably have spent it in some activity far"worse. There are, I believe, idlers on earth, but they are not relatively numerous. Leaving them out of count, I should say that people take the amount of sleep they instinctively need. That is if they can get it: which they often can't.
 I do not deny that large numbers of persons could maintain health upon a smaller quantity of sleep than they permit themselves. Some of the most ardent workers contrived to exist richly on four hours' sleep in twenty-four; though on the other hand some of the most ardent workers have been terrific sleepers. As a rule, if a man strongly wishes to accomplish big things he will cut down his sleep.
 But the majority of us do not want to accomplish big things. We want an average quiet and secure life, and I do not see how we can be blamed for not wanting more than this. If we were all strivers, the general pace of individual competition would merely be quickened, and mankind as a whole would be in the same case as nations who persistently arm against one another, and who are no safer when they expend $100,000,000 a day on defense than when they spend $100,000,000 a year to the same end. (第2版では,実際には赤字ではなく緑字が使われています)


 A man of sixty has spent about twenty years in bed. It seems a lot. It seems a great waste of time. A man of the same age has spent over three years in eating.It seems a lot. It seems like greediness. But we need not be alarmed at these figures. I doubt if they really indicate either laziness or greed.
 And as regards bed, the answer to all lamentations is that if the man had not spent the time La bed he would probably have spent it in some activity far worse.There are, I believe, idlers on earth, but they are not relatively numerous. Leaving them out of count, I should say that people take the amount of sleep they instinctively need. That is if they can get it: which they often can't.
 I do not deny that large numbers of persons could maintain health upon a smaller quantity of sleep than they permit themselves. Some of the most ardent workers contrived to exist richly on four hours' sleep in twenty-four; though on the other hand some of the most ardent workers have been terrific sleepers. As a rule, if a man strongly wishes to accomplish big things he will cut down his sleep.
 But the majority of us do not want to accomplish big things. We want an average quiet and secure life, and I do not see howwe can be blamed for not wanting more than this. If we were all strivers, the general pace of individual competition would merely be quickened, and mankind as a whole would be in the same case as nations who persistently arm against one another, and who are no safer when they expend 100,000,000 a day on defence than when they spend 100,000,000 a year to the same end. What is the point of depriving oneself of agreeable and harmless repose if one has no overmastering desire to use the saved hours in a particular way? A man might rise at six instead of at eight, only to find that he did nothing but kill time. This indeed has often happened. It is better to sleep than to commit murder.

「読解英単語」自体ずいぶん前に作ったものですから,これがいつ早稲田・政経で出題された問題なのかを確かめるのに相当な時間を要しました。なんと昭和61年,つまり1986年の出題でした。近年の超長文化と問題全体のレベル・アップを考えると隔世の感があります。入試に出題されたパッセージを高1,高2生用に,あるいは学力中位の受験生用に adaptした記憶はありましたが,どこをどう書き換えたのかはほとんど覚えていませんでした。
パッセージの長さからして「速読英単語」が出題された英文の一部を抜粋していることは想像に難くありませんが,今回は(あるいは基本的に常にそうなのかもしれませんが)頭からそのまま拾っていって,長くなったので最後の方だけカットしたようです。単純かつ楽な作業です。原文に書いてあるとはいえ,軍拡の具体的な数字の例は本文全体の趣旨からすると少々的外れの感がある一方,What is the point of... から最後のIt is better...murder. の部分をカットすると,気の抜けたビールのようになり,パッセージのインパクトはかなり,あるいは著しく,弱くなります。しかし,これは「速読英単語」批判の前置きに過ぎません。

「速読英単語」上級篇に実際に掲載されている(いた)英文の全文を掲載するのは前回で切り上げるつもりでしたが,次のパセージも私が某予備校のテキストで使用したパッセージと一致しており,早稲田・法で出題された当時の設問に戻して,あえて「英語長文読解問題」の高3AD26 として載せた経緯と,部分的な引用に基づいて批判を加えるのは公正でないと考えた結果,以下に「速単」の全文と全訳を引用することにしました。「速読英単語上級編」増訂第2版 40,41

 "Size," Julian Huxley once remarked, "has a fascination of its own." We stock our zoos with elephants, hippopotamuses, giraffes, and gorillas; who among you was not cheering for King Kong in his various battles on top of tall buildings? This focus on the few creatures larger than ourselves makes us lose sight of our actual size. Most people think that Homo sapiens is a creature of only modest dimensions. In fact, humans are among the largest animals on earth; more than 99 percent of animal species are smaller than we are. Of 190 species in our own order of primates, 0nly the gorilla regularly exceeds us in size.
 In our self-appointed role as the ruler of all creatures, we have taken great interest in pointing out the features that permitted us to attain this superior status. Our brain, upright posture, development of speech, and group hunting (to name just a few) are often mentioned, but I have been struck by how rarely our large size has been recognized as a controlling factor of our evolutionary progress.
 Highly-developed intelligence was, as a matter of fact, essential for the rise to our current status. Our brain, But, could we have evolved it with much smaller body sizes? One day, at the New York World's Fair in 1964, I entered the hall of Free Enterprise to escape the rain. Inside, prominently displayed, was an ant colony bearing the sign: "Twenty million years without evolutionary progress. Why? Because the ant colony is a socialist, totalitarian system." The statement scarcely requires serious attention; nonetheless, I should point out that ants are doing very well for themselves, and that it is their size rather than their social structure that prevents them from evolving high mental capacity.
 In this age of the transistor, we can put radios in watchcases and bug telephones with minute electronic devices. Such miniaturization might lead us to the false belief that absolute size is unimportant to the operation of complex machinery. But nature does not miniaturize neurons (or other cells for that matter). The range of cell size among organisms is incomparably smaller than the range in body size. This is why small animals simply have far fewer cells than large animals. The human brain contains several billion neurons; an ant, because of the limitation of its small size, has many hundreds of times fewer neurons.
(注) order of primates: 霊長目 colony: a group of animals, plants, etc. living in one place bug: to fix with a secret listening apparatus neuron: 神経細胞 organism: a living thing

【速単全訳】「大きいということはそれだけで魅力がある」と,かつてジュリアン・ハックスリーが言ったことがある.私たちは動物園で象,カバ,キリン,ゴリラを飼っている.(映画を観ていて)高いビルの上でさまざまに戦うキングコングを声援していなかった者があなた方の中にいるだろうか.このように,私たち自身よりも大きい二,三の動物を中心にして考えるために,私たちは自分たちの実際の大きさについて誤った考えを持ってしまう.人間はあまり大きくない動物であると考えている人がほとんどである.実際には,人間はこの世で最も大きな動物の一つである.動物の99パーセント以上が私たち人間よりも小さい.私たちと同じ霊長目に属する190種 のうちで,例外なく私たちよりも大きいのはゴリラだけである.


第一に著者は第三段落第のintelligenceに「知性」という訳語を当てているが,このパッセージは人間と人間以外の生き物,特に蟻との対比を体の大きさに比例する脳細胞の数という観点から取り上げているのである。第三段落の最後に出てくるmental capacity.「知的能力,知能」はほぼその言い換えに相当する。つまり本文に出てくるintelligenceはあくまでも「知能」の意味である。intelligenceは人間以外の生き物も有しているが,一方, intellect「知性」は,チンパンジーのようにいかに intelligentな動物であろうと,人間以外の生き物には該当しない概念である。確かにintelligenceに「知性」という訳語を当てることもあるが,本文でそれをやると,原著者の言わんとする趣旨から大きく外れてしまう。 
第二に,最後の段落のthe operation of complex machineryを「複雑な機械の操作」,つまりoperate complex machinery の名詞化表現と解しているが,これでは同段落の内容が読み取れていないことになる。complex machinery operate の名詞化表現(operate は自動詞),つまり「複雑な機械の作動」と解するべきである。


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