すでに PDF文書では該当するコンテンツの箇所にコメントを付して掲載しているので,詳細はそちらを見てほしい。結論を言うと,大手予備校講師の英語の実力は優秀な受験生のレベルに(遠く)及ばない。
2012年早稲田法学部の自由英作文 "slow is better"
When learning English, "slow is better," because there is so
much to learn. Just to use one word properly, you need to learn not only
its meaning but also how to make several different new sounds properly.
And that's even before you start learning grammar. Dozens of sounds, and
thousands of words and grammar rules! If you rush through the process,
you'll just become confused. (65 words)
※コメント:この解答例はほとんど意味不明。When learning English, "slow is better," because there is so much to learn. because 以下の副詞節は "fast is better" の理由にもなり得るからだ。Dozens of sounds, and thousands of words and grammar rules という表記は thousands of が words だけにかかるのか grammar rules にもかかるのか判然としない。grammar rules にもかかるとすると,このパッセージはまったく意味をなさなくなる。いくら時間を費やそうとも文法規則を数千覚えることなど不可能だからである。thousands of が words だけにかかるとしても,単語を数千覚えるという作業は相当な時間をかけてはじめて可能になる。つまり,If you rush through the process という仮定はそもそも成り立たず,confused にはなりようがない。
2013年早稲田法学部の自由英作文 "Should we experiment on animals in order to develop products such as cosmetics and medicines that human beings find beneficial?"
※コメント:気になるのは,cosmetics and medicines の語順である。動物実験の是非を問うときは,medicines and cosmetics のほうが望ましくないか。普通の人は医薬品と化粧品を同列に扱うことには違和感を覚えるはずだ。medicines だけでも設問は成り立つが,仮にcosmetics だけでこの設問は等しく成り立つだろうか。このコメントは出題者である大学の先生の良識と常識を問うものである。
2013年早稲田政経の自由英作文 "The automobile is the most important invention of modern times."
I don't think the automobile is the most important invention of modern
times. Certainly the automobile is a convenient way of transporting people
or goods. However, it cannot run without emitting exhaust gases. These
gases are extremely harmful to the environment, causing air pollution,
global warming, and acid rain. We wouldn't have these problems if it were
not for the automobile. Any invention that causes such damage to the earth
cannot be regarded as important. I believe electric trains, which can carry
far more people or things than cars, should be considered more important
because they don't emit exhaust gases.(100 words)
※コメント:最後から二つ目のセンテンス Any invention that causes such damage to the earth cannot be regarded as important. は No invention that causes such damage to the earth can be regarded as important. が正しい。大手予備校の解答例としてはあり得ないレベルの誤り。
I agree with this statement. No other recent invention has had a bigger impact on people's lives and the world we live in than the automobile. This impact has been both positive and negative. On the one hand, the automobile has strengthened the economies of car-manufacturing countries and created thousands of jobs. It has also brought many people enjoyment and a sense of freedom. It has allowed people to commute to work or go on trips without having to depend on public transport. At the same time, however, the automobile has hurt our health and that of the environment. We get little exercise if we use cars, and the exhaust gases released by them are one of the major causes of global warming. (123 words)
※コメント:giving at least two reasons why you agree or disagree with it. という指定を無視して,賛成の論拠と反対の論拠を挙げている。設問文の意味を取り違えているようだ。
I disagree with this statement. In my opinion, the most important invention
of modern times is not the automobile but the microchip ― because it made
personal computers possible. Since these computers first appeared in the
1970s, the amount of information that human beings can gather, process
and share has increased dramatically, and there have been more scientific
breakthroughs in the last 40 years than at any other time in our history.
This is especially true in the field of medicine, where computers have
enabled scientists to develop new drugs and treatments to save and improve
the quality of millions of people's lives. The automobile, on the other
hand, has made our lives worse. It has polluted our air and made our cities
noisy and stressful places to live. (128 words)
※コメント:後ろから三つめのセンテンス ... where computers have enabled scientists to develop new drugs and treatments to save and improve the quality of millions of people's lives. の文構造はsave と improve the quality of の共通の目的語が millions of people's lives ということになるが,save millions of people's lives and improve their quality として文のリズムと文意を明確にするべきである。
I agree that the automobile is the most important invention of modern times. Thanks to the automobile, people have been able to move and travel great distances. The automobile has also made possible the transportation of food, equipment and materials to areas where they were unknown or scarce. This great invention has enabled the great movements of people around the world, resulting in the globalized societies and cultures we find today. Some people might complain about some negative aspects, but I believe that the incredible mixing of peoples, cultures and ideas that has come about thanks to the automobile has and will continue to benefit all people. (107 words)
※コメント:第四文の resulting in the globalized societies and cultures we find today
は automobile が globalization に一役買っていることになるが,自動車は海を渡ったり,空を飛んだりはできないので無理がある。
最後のセンテンス ... the incredible mixing of peoples, cultures and ideas that
has come about thanks to the automobile has and will continue to benefit
all people. の文構造は S=the incredible mixing ... で,V=has and will continue
... ということになるが,has continue とは言えないので,has continued and will continue とするべきである。can
and will continue や has been and is beneficial [is and will be beneficial]
2018年早稲田政経の自由英作文 "A law should be passed in Japan establishing a minimum percentage of women in key positions in the government and major corporations."
I disagree with this idea. First, there is a strong possibility that women will quit their jobs when they get married or have a baby. People who might leave suddenly should not hold high positions in the government and major corporations. Second, setting a minimum percentage means that even when it may be necessary to put women in key positions even when they are not qualified for them, cutting off men who could do the work better. This is unfair, and won't be of any help in reducing the promotion gap between men and women. (95 words)
※Second, 以下を一読して理解できる人はまずいないだろう。おそらく次のことを言おうとしているのではないかと思われる。
setting a minimum percentage means that it may be necessary to put women
in key positions even when they are not qualified for them, and this means
cutting off men who could do the work better.
※書き出し "If there were only one language in the world," に続けて書くようにもとめられている。
If there were only one language in the world であることからして,解答は仮定法過去の主節の形を取らざるをえない。あえて「どのようになっていた」とした意図は何なのか。論理的に成り立たない言い回しで受験生を惑わそうとしたのか,単なる国語力の問題なのか。
2011年東大前期の自由英作文「次の英文を読み,その内容について思うところを 50~60 語の英文で記せ。ただし,understand と pain は,一度しか用いてはならない。"It is not possible to understand other people's pain."
※ understand と pain は,一度しか用いてはならない,というユニークな指定がついているが,この指定の意図はよく分からない。せめてこの程度の条件を付さなければさすがに平易にすぎると考えたからなのか。他大学との差別化を図っているのか。そもそもこの程度の課題文でも書くべき内容が浮かばない受験生が多いのだろうか。まさか文法・構文的に破綻した英語しか書けないということはないだろう。受験生の想像力の不足あるいは欠如は相当に深刻だということになる。背景は国語力の不足だと思われるが,そのよって来る原因は?
I agree with the above statement and the reason is simple. Unless I experience the exact same thing myself, with my own feelings and senses, no matter how much I read, study or listen to stories from others, I will never be able to understand that same pain or grasp the same thing. (53 words)
※最後の主節で that same pain が出てくるが,これが受けるべき語が存在しない。前に在るのは the exact same thing であり,この語句は必ずしも pain を意味しているわけではない。減点は避けられないだろう。
I disagree with the statement above because much of our understanding of
things around us is instinctual, and not learned. When we see a young baby
or even a small puppy or kitten, we all smile and feel protective. We do
not need to actually have a baby ourselves to feel this. (52 words)
※これは課題文の It is not possible to understand other people's pain. を論じた文にはなっていない。零点もありりえるだろう。
2012年東大前期の自由英作文「もし他人の心が読めたらどうなるか,考えられる結果について 50~60 語の英語で記せ。複数の文を用いてもかまわない」
※コメント:大手予備校の解答6例のうち5例が友人,恋人,家族の例を挙げている。「もし他人の心が読めたらどうなるか,考えられる結果について...記せ」という課題は,まともに考えたら大変なテーマである。要するに言葉(や仕種や表情)がすべて意味を失うことになるからだ。ただし「50~60 語の英語で」という条件からすると,元々たいした内容を書くことは求めらていないのだろう。これは東大・自由英作文の一貫した傾向と言ってよいかもしれない。
以上,もっぱら自由英作文を基に,大学の出題意図と大手予備校の解答例を取り上げてきたが,内容面に関しては,あまりにも明らかな不備がある場合以外は取り上げていない。「英語を書く力」に特化したのは,現在すでに主流となりつつある speaking 重視の四技能主義なる英語教育論には,正しい英語を書く力の重要性の認識が欠落しているからである。なお昨今,社会全体に「長いものには巻かれろ」「寄らば大樹の陰」という風潮が強まるにつれて,受験生だけでなく,自ら受験を経験した保護者の間にも,大手予備校と大手予備校講師に対する過信,盲信が広まっている。現政権が押し進める「教育民営化」の流れが,大手の教育産業・教育業者をさらに利する方向に向かうことが危惧される。